אלון ט

אלון ט

הרצליה, ישראל
2 חוות דעת
  צור קשר


Researcher, Algorithm & Software Engineer, M.Sc. Electrical and Computer Enginnering
Email: alonoak@outlook.com
Tel.: +972-54-4765829
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alon-tairy-27284690/

A multi-disciplinar algorithm and software specialist with over 15 years of experience in research, design, and development of applications for a variety of industries, including military, civilian, and biomedical. With a strong background in signal and image processing, computer vision, classic and advanced machine learning, deep learning, remote sensing and geospatial analysis. This goes along with real-time and high-performance computing (including concurrent, parallel, and GPU programming) and software architecture.

• Designed and implemented small \& large-scale, end-to-end computer vision and machine learning systems, including object recognition, semantic segmentation, video analytics, and autonomous driving.
• Remote sensing and geospatial analysis specialist, with expertise in working with various types of geospatial data, including satellite and airborne optical and SAR imagery, for both civilian and military applications, such as natural resource management, urban planning, environmental monitoring, and object detection and recognition.
• Real-time and high-performance computing (heterogeneous CPU\&GPU acceleration) -- mentoring, consulting, architecture design, optimizations and project implementation.
• Edge computing and architecture: NVIDIA advanced AI embedded Systems (Jetson, Xavier).
• Design and develop Docker images for high-performance computing (HPC) environments, including customized images for machine learning and scientific computing workloads.
• Modern & cross-platform programming, mainly in C++, CUDA/OpenCL, Python,and using libraries such as OpenCV, TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, Intel oneAPI (IPP, TBB, MKL, DAAL), and TensorRT for CV/ML applications.

תחומי התמחות


400 ₪ לשעה
Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Computer Vision implementation, and conversion to C++, or combine with C++.
Over 10 years of practical and academic experience, mainly in the implementation of projects that involve Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Signal/Image Processing.
AI, בינה מלאכותית
Over 15 years of practical and academic experience, mainly in the Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Signal/Image Processing
M.Sc, thesis subject: Large Scale Machine Learning
Machine Learning
More than 15 years of both academic and practical experiences.
M.Sc. and Ph.D. candidate in Electrical & Computer Engineering, specialised in Large Scale Machine Learning.
עיבוד תמונה
More than 15 years of industrial and academic experience
ראייה ממוחשבת
More than 15 years of industrial and academic experience, mainly in Objects Recognition, 3D Reconstruction, Remote Sensing, sensor fusion,
רשתות עצביות - Neural Networks
About 5 years of academic and practical experience, either in Shallow and Deep Neural Netoworks.
Projects: Face Recognition, Object Recognition, Clustering.
Framework: TensorFlow (Python, C++), TensorRT
Deep Learning
About 5 years of academic and practical experience.
Projects: Face Recognition, Object Recognition, Clustering.
Framework: TensorFlow (Python, C++), TensorRT

תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה

400 ₪ לשעה
C, C++
High-Performance Computing e.g., Windows/Linux, Concurrency Parallel Data Programming, Intel Performance Libraries: IPP/TBB/MKL, etc.
C++ and .Net (C#) Programming,
Network Programming
מתכנת, פיתוח תוכנה כללי
High-Performance Computing and Multicore Programming (TBB/CUDA) and Database.
C++, Python, C#, R.
BI, Data Science, Big Data
Busines Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, R&D and consulting.
Advising, guiding Design developing Software, Data Applications and Architecture
projects, on the following platforms: C++, Python, R, .NET (C#), SQL Server Analysis
Services (OLAP) and Data Warehouse.
C++ Wrapping for Python.
Scientific Python programming.
פיתוח אלגוריתמים
Acadmic and Industry experience, since 1998 .
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - classification, inference and learning, Multidimensional Imaging.
Computer Vision - Multivariate Signal/Image Processing and
Visual Object Recognition: image matching, object detection and classification.
Video Analytics for Surveillance - Scene and Pattern Analysis, Anomaly Detection, Object Classification.
Data Analysis/Mining.
High-Performance Computing and Multicore Programming (TBB/CUDA) and Database.

Numerical Bayesian Methods (MCMC, sampling, etc.).
Geospatial Data Processing.
Multiple View Geometry (3D), 3D reconstruction from Video
High Performance Computing: Intel Perfprmance libraries (IPP, MKL, TBB), CUDA.
C++, Pyhon, R, .NET(C#), IDL, Matlab and OpenCV Programming, Windows and Linux platforms.

תארים אקדמיים

M.Sc. Electrical & Computer Engineering

אוני' בן גוריון

שירות צבאי



מבקרים גם צפו ב...

רועי צחור אלקטרוניקה
מהנדס מנוסה לפיתוח פרויקטים מבוססי תוכנה-חומרה
מרדכי סויסה
יעל ארז
Axicon Technologies Solutions
From Inspiration to Resolution
SenStation Technologies Ltd

אנשים דומים ל- אלון ט

ajax loader
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2 חוות דעת

ajax loader
Rating: 4.
250 ₪
איכות עבודה
ידע ומומחיות
מהירות תגובה
דבקות במחיר
עמידה בלוח-זמנים
בעל יכולת הבנה ולימוד טובות
דורש פיקוח ויכול להשתפר בנושא לוחות זמנים
הפרוייקט עובד באופן מוצלח בזכותו
1 אוקטובר 2018
Munters דרושים פרילנסרים לפיתוח תוכנת שרת לזיהוי נוכחות אנשים בקבצי וידיאו המגיעים ממצלמות