Need a Python Champion

פרויקט מס' 164210
פרויקט חם

Job Statistics

10 Bids
25,000 ₪ - 50,000 ₪
תוקף הפרויקט
טווח הצעות
100 ₪ - 392 ₪ לשעת עבודה
36,500 ₪ - 36,500 ₪ מחיר קבוע
הצעה ממוצעת
231 ₪ לשעת עבודה
36,500 ₪ מחיר קבוע

Job Info And Actions

תאריך פרסום: 10:54, 26 פברואר, 2021
הצעות תתקבלנה עד: 16:45, 4 מרץ, 2021
Need a Python Champion
At MusashiAI we develop technologies that will enable affordable, easy to deploy and cost effective Autonomous Mobile Robots on the production floor.

For our near deployments in Japan & Germany we are looking for a Python champion to join the team, ramp up quickly and help us deliver.

As a Python champion you should have:
- Excellent Python designing & programming skills
- Experience with networking (tcp, udp)
- Good understanding and experience with multithreading/multiprocessing
- Great problem solving skills
- Experience with algorithms: CV, A* - advantage

We are located in Neve Ilan.
Work can be done mostly at home.
However we prefer you see our robots in action and come at least once a week to be have a good understanding of the system and meet the team.

If you meet these requirements and are enthusiastic make robots run around the production floor, give us a call.

קבצי הפרויקט



Private Bid

מומחה נבחר
2 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 2237162
הוגש: 26 פברואר 2021

Bid from asafg

360 ₪
לפי שעה
6 פרויקטים
אסף גרי
Hello Rotem, My name is Asaf Gery, I am a seasoned software developer having experience of 25 years on a wide range of technologies, including Python which is relevant to your project. I meet most of the requirements you have stated, and I am sure that I would be able to catch up with the rest. I love challenges, and I strive to produce quality code that is readable, well documented and easy to maintain. My quote above does not include 17% V.A.T (Ma'am) that may apply according to the laws of Israel. My mobile # is 054-2215733. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Asaf Gery
הצעה מס' 2239302
הוגש: 3 מרץ 2021

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
4 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 2238033
הוגש: 1 מרץ 2021

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
1 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 2237878
הוגש: 28 פברואר 2021

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
2 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 2237500
הוגש: 28 פברואר 2021