Leeor Langer

Leeor Langer

Fit Machine Learning to Real World Challenges

יוקנעם עילית, ישראל
1 פרויקט
  צור קשר


CTO at Wearable Devices
Data science architect with expertise in multiple domains: bio-sensor analysis, computer vision and natural language processing. My passion is designing machine learning techniques for interesting real world problems. See my projects, patents and papers below. My number is (972)-523-220459

Check out my blog at langer.tech
Computer Hardware


שפת אם
שפת אם

תחומי התמחות

מרצים ומדריכים

מרצים, מדריכי LinkedIn
מרצים, מדריכי Machine Learning


הנדסת מחשבים


סמנכ"ל טכנולוגיות - CTO


225 ₪ לשעה
Real-Time / Embedded / DSP
בלוטוס, Bluetooth
Virtual Reality, VR, מציאות מדומה
Expert in user experience, see my LinkedIn profile for projects, papers and patents in this field.
AI, בינה מלאכותית
Chatbot, צ׳אטבוט
Machine Learning
Expert in machine learning, see my LinkedIn profile for projects, papers and patents in this field.
Analytics of Things, AoT
עיבוד תמונה
Expert in computer vision and image processing, see my LinkedIn profile for projects, papers and patents in this field.
ראייה ממוחשבת
רשתות עצביות - Neural Networks
Deep Learning
Expert in deep learning, see my LinkedIn profile for projects, papers and patents in this field.
עיבוד שפה טבעית - NLP

תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה

C, C++
BI, Data Science, Big Data
פיתוח אלגוריתמים
Full Stack Developers
קצירת מידע, Data Scraping

נסיון תעסוקתי


Wearable Devices

תארים אקדמיים

BSc - Electrical Engineering


MSc - Applied Math

Tel Aviv University

פטנטים וקניין רוחני

יולי 2016

Method and apparatus for a gesture controlled interface for wearable devices

  • A gesture-controlled interface apparatus includes one or a plurality of bio-potential sensors and a processor. The one or a plurality of bio-potential sensors are wearable on a body of a user, for detecting one or a plurality of bio-electrical signals from the body of the user, wherein the one or a plurality of bio-potential sensors include at least one surface nerve conduction (SNC) sensor for detecting at least one surface nerve conduction signal. The processor is configured to compare the detected at least one surface nerve conduction signal with data of a plurality of reference signals corresponding to a plurality of known gestures, each of the reference signals distinctly associated with one of the known gestures, to identify a known gesture from the plurality of known gestures that corresponds to said at least one surface nerve conduction signal, and to communicate the identified known gesture to a computerized device.
פרסום פרויקט

1 פרויקטים

סגור להצעות נוספות
1 הצעות
פרויקט חם

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יזם ומומחה בייעוץ לסטרטאפים בתחומי האסטרגיה, פיתוח עסקי, ניהול מוצרים ופרויקטים
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1 חוות דעת

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Leeor Langer

Leeor Langer

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