Actions speak louder than words.
Shenyang, סין
I am a professional programmer with 8+ years of experience and passion for web development.
I have been developing web applications and APIs since 2011 using javascript/PHP. I developed 20+ prototypes for several businesses utilizing a wide range of technologies. I've also helped multiple startups with building their MVP (minimum viable product). I am proficient in Software design and development using a variety of Software Engineering technologies.
In addition to my knowledge base, I actively seek out new technologies and stay up-to-date on industry trends and advancements.
This has allowed me to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional work to all of my employers, including those I've worked for on a project basis.
I'm very friendly, easy to talk to, and easy to work with. Whether you are technical or not, I talk in plain English with no jargon so that you know exactly what's going on and how things work. My code is clean, readable, and regularly refactored. Testing is a high priority in my work, not an afterthought.
Don't hesitate to reach out, I would love to help you get started!
You will see your dream being come true day by day. I don't just work for you, but with you.
I have been developing web applications and APIs since 2011 using javascript/PHP. I developed 20+ prototypes for several businesses utilizing a wide range of technologies. I've also helped multiple startups with building their MVP (minimum viable product). I am proficient in Software design and development using a variety of Software Engineering technologies.
In addition to my knowledge base, I actively seek out new technologies and stay up-to-date on industry trends and advancements.
This has allowed me to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional work to all of my employers, including those I've worked for on a project basis.
I'm very friendly, easy to talk to, and easy to work with. Whether you are technical or not, I talk in plain English with no jargon so that you know exactly what's going on and how things work. My code is clean, readable, and regularly refactored. Testing is a high priority in my work, not an afterthought.
Don't hesitate to reach out, I would love to help you get started!
You will see your dream being come true day by day. I don't just work for you, but with you.
סינית (מדוברת)
שפת אם
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם
תחומי התמחות
תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה
73 ₪ לשעה
C, C++
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Full Stack and RestAPI development by using Codeigniter and Laravel
DB - PostgreSQL
Ext JS
DB - MongoDB
Full Stack Developers
MERN, PHP Frameworks, Ruby on Rails
Loopback, graphql-yoga, Express Gateway, MERN Stack
מפתחי Front-end
React.js, Vue.js, Html5, Jquery, Bootstrap, Material-UI
מפתחי Back-end
Express.js, Codeigniter, Laravel, Ruby on Rails
נסיון תעסוקתי
אוגוסט 2019
Web Application Developer
Self-Employed , Shenyang, Liaoning, China
אוגוסט 2016
יולי 2019
Web Application Developer
Alibaba Group , Beijing, China- Full-stack developer & dev ops engineer
- Participated in user-friendly frontend development (ReactJS, WebPack, Bootstrap 4)
- Participated in the in-house ERP project (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL)
- Developed many restful API (ExpressJS, NoSQL, Firebase)
- Third-party Integration (AWS, Stripe,..)
- Using git (Github, bitbucket, Gitlab)
נובמבר 2013
יולי 2016
Senior Web Application Developer
ChinaSoft , Beijing, China- Managed the product team's overall development for the last 4 months
- Developed 50+ dynamic and interactive websites (CodeIgniter, Laravel, Ruby on Rails, jQuery, Bootstrap, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL)
- Trained over 10 staff members in internal web functions
מאי 2012
אוקטובר 2013
Web Developer
Shenyang Tianhua IT Co.Ltd , Shenyang, Liaoning, China- Fixed bugs from existing websites(WordPress, CodeIgniter, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5, MySQL)
- Designed and developed user-friendly website, and subsequently increased customer purchases by 10%.
תארים אקדמיים
מאי 2007
ינואר 2012
Bachelor's Degree
Tsinghua University- Researches on Software Engineering & Design Patterns
חוות דעת