Roman Shevchenko

Roman Shevchenko

Tel Aviv-Yafo, ישראל
2 חוות דעת
  צור קשר


I'm a Full Stack developer with strong emphasis on Front End technologies. I have over 3 years of hands-on experience, including UI development of large scale web applications from scratch and writing API's.

Technological stack:
• React
• Vue.js
• Node.js
• MySql
• Bootstrap
• jQuery
• CSS3

I have a strong ability to work both independently and as a part of a team as freelancer. I use most modern technologies (Hubstaff, Zoom, Slack) to keep my employee up to date with working progress, based on daily reports, time counter, screenshots from my machine and online conversations. I will do my best to give you back a ready working code in time.


שפת אם
שפת אם
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם

תחומי התמחות

תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה

91 ₪ לשעה
2+ years experience with Ajax (include jQuery Ajax and Vue.js/React HTTP clients)
Asynchronous Web applications development.
Communication with servers.
I have 2 years of experience in systems development and PHP-based sites, using vanilla PHP and most modern PHP frameworks, like Laravel 5.
1+ years of experience.
CRM development.
2+ years experience with jQuery, including jQuery Ajax.
Adding an animation to websites.
Adding jQuery UI to make websites more interactive.
*PayPal integration into Global Referral Marketing Platform.
* Writing an API for conference management platform
2+ years of experience, using MobX and Redux.
*UI implementation for a big Conference Management platform.
*UI implementation for a complex Referral Marketing platform.
*Development of SPA for Isracard Credit card company benefits.
*Creating an API for a complex CRM.
*Integrating to REST API services.
1+ year of experience.
CRM development from scratch with Laravel 5.1, including integration to third party API.
מפתחי Front-end

בניית אתרים

92 ₪ לשעה
וורדפרס - WordPress
2+ years of experience.
Wordpress web sites and custom design for wordpress themes.
Choosing best plugins for customer needs.
בניית אתרים רספונסיביים, פיתוח רספונסיבי
Fully responsive websites, using powerful Bootstrap and CSS3 features.
Fully responsive websites, using powerful Bootstrap features.

נסיון תעסוקתי

יוני 2018 - היום

Full Stack Developer

  • Conference management system development.
  • Front End development using React, MobX, SASS and numerous React libraries
  • Back End development using Node.js and Mongo DB
אוקטובר 2017 - יוני 2018

Front End Developer

2Key , Tel Aviv, Israel
  • UI implementation for a big complex Referral Marketing Platform (including PayPal server side integration with Node.js), using React, Redux, Bootstrap and other modern front end technologies.
  • Company web site on Wordpress
  • ICO campaign website, made with Vue.js, Bootstrap and other modern front end technologies.
מאי 2016 - אוקטובר 2017

Full Stack developer

Holytopmedia , Ramat Gan, Israel
  • Development of CRM for internal company use. LAMP stack using Laravel and Vue.js frameworks
  • Development of numerous SPA for internal company use, using Laravel and React+MobX frameworks
  • Building multiple product websites and landing pages based on WordPress custom themes and Bootstrap

קורסים, הסמכות, לימודי תעודה

ספטמבר 2015

Full Stack developer

John Bryce College

אנשים דומים ל- Roman Shevchenko

ajax loader
פיתוח ותחזוקת אתרים
flash web
Perfection without missing deadlines!
תמיר יקר
פרילאנסר פיתוח תוכנה | יעוץ אפיון ופיתוח תוכנה
Mango Web Development
Wordpress & PHP Developer

2 חוות דעת

ajax loader
Rating: 5.
6000 ₪
איכות עבודה
ידע ומומחיות
מהירות תגובה
דבקות במחיר
עמידה בלוח-זמנים
תענוג לעבוד עם רומן, מאוד מקצועי, מביא רעיונות, שואל שאלות חכמות, עומד בלוחות זמנים, מאוד תקשורתי ופרקטי, מקווה לעבוד עם רומן בעוד הרבה מאוד פרויקטים.
15 אוקטובר 2018
user default logo DocuMeet DocuMeet
Rating: 4.5.
35500 ₪
איכות עבודה
ידע ומומחיות
מהירות תגובה
דבקות במחיר
עמידה בלוח-זמנים
Roman is a very dedicated employee, striving to always do his best and deliver the best possible work and on time. His work ethics are excellent, as are his communication skills and teamwork. He's a very good asset to have on your team, devoted, dedicated, and always willing to learn and improve himself. We wish him all the luck and success he deserves.
20 יוני 2018
user default logo 2Key Global Referral Network

GitHub Widget

ajax loader