flash web
London, בריטניה
שפת אם
תחומי התמחות
תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
DB - MSSQL, SQL Server
jQuery Mobile
מפתחי Front-end
מפתחי Back-end
בניית אתרים
37 ₪ לשעה
בניית אתרים דינמיים
• Knowledge of PHP and JavaScript
• Experience with design pattern, frameworks and architecture
• Experience with PHP frameworks Laravel and codeigniter
• Working knowledge of SQL
• Experience with object-oriented software development methodologies
• Integrating new technologies into web properties
• Experience with design pattern, frameworks and architecture
• Experience with PHP frameworks Laravel and codeigniter
• Working knowledge of SQL
• Experience with object-oriented software development methodologies
• Integrating new technologies into web properties
סחר אלקטרוני - פייפאל, magento, מג'נטו וכד', Stripe
חיתוך PSD לעיצוב HTML ו- CSS
Proficient in HTML5, CSS 3,
וורדפרס - WordPress
Build websites using WordPress.
Prepare website proposals to present to clients.
Provide technical support to clients.
Write coding using HTML and CSS.
Design new features for existing websites.
Act as the company expert in creating PPC and Google AdWords campaigns to be integrated with new website builds.
Customize themes to meet clients’ requirements.
Manage a user guide to help clients understand site features and management of website to increase visitor satisfaction.
Work on a new mobile development project to expand the company into mobile website development services.
Prepare website proposals to present to clients.
Provide technical support to clients.
Write coding using HTML and CSS.
Design new features for existing websites.
Act as the company expert in creating PPC and Google AdWords campaigns to be integrated with new website builds.
Customize themes to meet clients’ requirements.
Manage a user guide to help clients understand site features and management of website to increase visitor satisfaction.
Work on a new mobile development project to expand the company into mobile website development services.
בניית אתרים רספונסיביים, פיתוח רספונסיבי
בניית אתרים לסלולאר, התאמת אתרים לסלולר
חוות דעת