We all have wings. Few of us know how to use them.
Ashdod, ישראל
Development over five years in Java.
Management development of a cloud-based Internet service in the field of networking.
Management team development of cloud-based service, Big Data for the development and use of artificial intelligence algorithms
In addition, I took an advanced course in Java in the academic field in the framework of a bachelor's degree in computer science
Java Development:
- object oriented programming
- data structures
- file system streaming
- network communication programming
- multithreading programming
- multi service & interprocessing programming
- Java 8 lambda & streams programming
- design patterns
- database servers integration: (SQL, document db, graph db, key value db)
- Developing TDD with java and JUnit
Topics supporting Java development:
- Project management and dependencies with maven
- Development of MVC epilations with spring
- Development of applications with ORM / ODM in spring
- Native Android Application Development
Front End and Responsive Relation
- Bootstrap2.x-3.x, Foundation, Ruby, Angular and Nodejs front end, Compass, Grunt, LESS and SASS
- Fixing Site Mobility Issues
- Pixel Perfect responsive with breakpoints
Wordpress & Shopify Relation.
- PSDs to Wordpress, PSDs to Liquid templates
- Creating custom theme and Customizing Themes(Avada, X, Enfold, Bridge, Salient, The7, Brooklyn, Job Board and Real Estate) and Shopify themes and app building
- ACF(Advanced Custom Field), CPT(Custom Post Type), WPML(Wordpress Multi language), WPMU(Wordpress Multisite) and Social Stream
- Visual composer and some builders
- Optimizepress, Thesis and Genesis
- Handling child theme
SEO and Google Analysis Relation
- Optimizing and Speed Up(GTmetrix, Google Insight Speed and Pingdom)
- Web Master Tools / Google Analysis
- Submit sitemaps
- Select preferred version (site with either www. or no www.)
- Select target country in Google Console
- Fixing and removing 404 issues
- Updating robot.txt and htaccess
- Adding Ghost Spam Filter
- Fixing “Googlebot cannot access CSS and JS files in http://yourdomain.com
- Github and Bitbucket
- Jira, Asana, Basecamp, Trello and Slack
- Magento, Shopify, Wocommerce, Ecommerce and Bigcommerce
- Photoshop and Illustrator
- Hubspot and google APIs
Management development of a cloud-based Internet service in the field of networking.
Management team development of cloud-based service, Big Data for the development and use of artificial intelligence algorithms
In addition, I took an advanced course in Java in the academic field in the framework of a bachelor's degree in computer science
Java Development:
- object oriented programming
- data structures
- file system streaming
- network communication programming
- multithreading programming
- multi service & interprocessing programming
- Java 8 lambda & streams programming
- design patterns
- database servers integration: (SQL, document db, graph db, key value db)
- Developing TDD with java and JUnit
Topics supporting Java development:
- Project management and dependencies with maven
- Development of MVC epilations with spring
- Development of applications with ORM / ODM in spring
- Native Android Application Development
Front End and Responsive Relation
- Bootstrap2.x-3.x, Foundation, Ruby, Angular and Nodejs front end, Compass, Grunt, LESS and SASS
- Fixing Site Mobility Issues
- Pixel Perfect responsive with breakpoints
Wordpress & Shopify Relation.
- PSDs to Wordpress, PSDs to Liquid templates
- Creating custom theme and Customizing Themes(Avada, X, Enfold, Bridge, Salient, The7, Brooklyn, Job Board and Real Estate) and Shopify themes and app building
- ACF(Advanced Custom Field), CPT(Custom Post Type), WPML(Wordpress Multi language), WPMU(Wordpress Multisite) and Social Stream
- Visual composer and some builders
- Optimizepress, Thesis and Genesis
- Handling child theme
SEO and Google Analysis Relation
- Optimizing and Speed Up(GTmetrix, Google Insight Speed and Pingdom)
- Web Master Tools / Google Analysis
- Submit sitemaps
- Select preferred version (site with either www. or no www.)
- Select target country in Google Console
- Fixing and removing 404 issues
- Updating robot.txt and htaccess
- Adding Ghost Spam Filter
- Fixing “Googlebot cannot access CSS and JS files in http://yourdomain.com
- Github and Bitbucket
- Jira, Asana, Basecamp, Trello and Slack
- Magento, Shopify, Wocommerce, Ecommerce and Bigcommerce
- Photoshop and Illustrator
- Hubspot and google APIs
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם
תחומי התמחות
מרצים ומדריכים
120 ₪ לשעה
תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה
120 ₪ לשעה
בניית אתרים
120 ₪ לשעה
נסיון תעסוקתי
ינואר 2021
Fullstack Java Developer
Freelance , Ashdod- I have experience in developing and maintaining systems in the Java language. I've worked with Maven, JSON, Spring.
אוגוסט 2019
דצמבר 2020
Fullstack Java Developer
Elpisor , Rehovot- Project “Search, selection and sale of cars ”
- Participation in the project for the search, selection and sale of cars with the participation of ORM systems Hibernate, Spring Boot, backend server (Java, Microservices) and frontend (Angular8, TypeScript, JavaScript)
- Spoken languages: Java, JavaScript;
- Used web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Angular 10, Nodejs, JQuery.
- Used technologies: Hibernate, Spring MVC, GitHub.
ינואר 2017
אוגוסט 2019
Fullstack Java Developer
WeKast , Tel-Aviv- Project “Processing system customer contacts”
- Participation in project development processing and access of system information about customer contacts: maintaining Database with contact data (ORM Hibernate, Spring Boot), backend server (Java MVC, REST API), frontend (Angular2, TypeScript, JavaScript, Bootstrap).
- Spoken languages: Java, TypeScript, JavaScript;
- Used web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Angular 9, Bootstrap, Nodejs, JQuery.
- Used technologies: Hibernate, Spring MVC, GitHub.
יולי 2015
פברואר 2017
Fullstack Java developer
Inetex , Rehovot- Project "System quality control"
- Participation in the project development customer feedback:
- Informing of the company management about customer feedbacks regarding the quality of the service, processing and statistical reviews received poll response system to negative feedback: maintaining Database with contact data (ORM Hibernate, Spring Boot), backend server (Java MVC, REST API), frontend (React, TypeScript, JavaScript, Bootstrap).
- Spoken languages: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, MySQL using Hibernate;
- Used technologies: Hibernate, Spring MVC, GitHub;
- Used web technologies: JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Angular, Bootstrap.
פברואר 2010
יולי 2015
Training and Production Center- Enterprise content management
- Organizing, storing and maintenance organization’s documents and other content, that relate to the organization’s processes (web-PHP service, DB MySQL, educational web-application).
- Spoken languages, used web technologies: C++, PHP, JavaScript, Angular, MySQL, HTML 5, CSS 3.
- Used technologies: Hibernate, Spring MVC, GitHub;
- Used web technologies: JQuery, HTML5, CSS3, WordPress, Bootstrap.
full stack developer
Elpisor- Project “Search, selection and sale of cars ”
- Participation in the project for the search, selection and sale of cars with the participation of ORM systems Hibernate, Spring Boot, backend server (Java, Microservices) and frontend (Angular8, TypeScript, JavaScript)
- Spoken languages: Java, JavaScript;
- Used web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Angular 10, Nodejs, JQuery.
- Used technologies: Hibernate, Spring MVC, GitHub.
קורסים, הסמכות, לימודי תעודה
תארים אקדמיים
ספטמבר 2004
יולי 2009
University of T.G. Shevchenko- Computer science and information technology.
אנשים דומים ל- Freelance

Passionate developer from Perm
IVBS - Itay Verchik Business Success - WebMaster
Webmaster + SEO for your business success
Matan Ben Yair
Web development
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מתכנת מנוסה בתחום java וצד לקוח
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