Stefan Kerner

Stefan Kerner

Bringing a human hand to your content needs

Ramat Hasharon, ישראל
  צור קשר


Let me help you produce the best possible content for your organisation in a style and format that works and at a fair price. You will find me an understanding, supportive and easy person to work with who will put your needs first. I pride myself on attention to detail and working to ensure customer satisfaction. Writing is more that a job, it is a passion.

I am an experienced communications expert who is now looking to work as a freelancer. Through life and professional experience, I have the ability to convey the right message in the right tone according to the target audience.

I am in the privileged position of having experience in a wide range of professions, having worked in the commercial world, with start-ups and also with NGOs and charities.

Contact me at


שפת אם


Open Entry 101150 in Portfolio by Stefan Kerner

תחומי התמחות

כתיבה ועריכה

כתיבת עבודות אקדמיות
תוכנית עסקית, כתיבת תוכניות עסקיות
כתיבה יצירתית
עריכה לשונית, הגהה
I have a keen eye and a strong attention to detail. I can edit documents to ensure that they are grammatically correct and read well.
כתיבת בקשות לתרומות, מענקים ומלגות
I have an understanding of both the donor and activity side of NGOs and can write passionate and appealing text for the purpose of fundraising.
כתיבה שיווקית
כתיבה, עריכה, הרצאות, נאומים
כתיבת תוכן לאתרי אינטרנט
כתיבת בלוגים
I can write entertaining and effective copy for blogs on a variety of subjects.
כתיבת מאמרים
I am able to create interesting and informative copy for articles across a wide range of subjects and styles.
סופר צללים
Let me write that article of blog on your behalf!
כתיבת פוסטים בפייסבוק וטוויטר

נסיון תעסוקתי

2015 - 2016

Director of Intern Program

Gvahim , Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Responsible for the management of the Masa sponsored intern program. A significant element of the role was the creation and distribution of marketing material including newsletters, flyers and Facebook posts.
  • Naturally, as like most NGOs, finances and budgets were limited so everyone helped each other where we could. As the only native English speaker at the organisation, I was also regularly involved in editing and helping to write material for resource development purposes as well as reports and presentations for our supporters.
2012 - 2014

Public Affairs Manager

BICOM , London, UK
  • As an integral part of a newly built communications team, I was responsible for the management and distribution of all the organisation's written material. This also included writing all external emails to key stakeholders, newsletters, website material and control of the organisation's social media.
2011 - 2012

Director of Public Affairs

Zionist Federation , London, UK
  • Responsible for organising grassroots campaigns in support of Israel and countering anti-Israel and BDS activities in the UK. A significant element of the role was to confer vital information to the right people, in the right format and at the right time.
  • I regularly wrote campaign notes, newsletters and blogs that imparted often complicated material in a concise, understandable and, most importantly, a usable format for our supporters and followers.

תארים אקדמיים

2009 - 2010


SOAS (Uni of London)
  • I studied for a Masters in Near and Middle Eastern Studies, majoring in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. A fascinating and complicated subject with too many 'what ifs' in the history of the region. To study a living history where the effects of events are not just still being felt, but are relevant and crucial in shaping the future was an inspiring and humbling experience.

אנשים דומים ל- Stefan Kerner

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I Translate Your Thoughts Into Written Words

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