iOS - iPhone, iPad, iPod - פיתוח אפליקציות לאייפון, אייפון
3 years experience as Senior Developer for iOS iPhone iPad platform
Core Animations, Storyboards, Programming in Modern Objective-C, Auto Layout, UICollectionView, iOS 6 Social Framework Support, Attributed Strings, State Preservation and Restoration, User Interface Customisation Appearance, Gesture Recognizer(Custom too), Extend Interfaces by Categories and Dynamic Properties, Simple and complex UI development, Networking, Address-book sync, GPS, Location, Photo/Video Picking/Sharing, ^Blocks, Grand Central Dispatch, NSOperationQueue, Threads, Synchronisation tools, Run-Loops, Video: Compression / Conversion, Audio Mixer / Distortion, Audio Units, Audio Unit Processing Graph, Asset-Library, CFNetwork, Core Data, Event kit, Media Player, Open AL, UIKit, Objective-C tricks, SQLite, SIP Signalling, Remote and Local push-notification, VoIP sockets, caching with NSCoding, NSAudioSession, Continue Task on Background, Debugging Tools.
12 versions uploaded to AppStore.
Third-party APIs:
Facebook 3.2, AutoCoding, BaseModel, AFNetwork, ApplicasaSDK, DejalActivityView, IconActionSheet, Poppler PDF Rendering API, Google Maps, Google Analytics, ASIHttpRequest, VoIP, SBJSON, FMDB, Three20 and more.
1) Messaging system to support multiple type of messages
Sample and complex UI view controllers / solutions for iPhone / iPad platforms e.g: custom table editing mode, table paging etc.
2) Phone registration
3) Network layer for client / server communication using: NSUrlXXX classes and using ASIHttpRequest
4) Synchronize user address-book with host contact list
5) Facebook registration and APIs
6) Sharing photo/videos using file server: support continuance upload/download
7) Sharing location
History upgrade: to support search by message content / user name
8) Video: compression / conversion
9) Audio mixer / distortion using audio units and Audio Unit Processing Graph
10) Integration with VoIP lib, writing the signaling layer for voice call, configuration client as VoIP application, open and
11) maintain VoIP http socket to ICQ host
12) Handling of remote and local notifications
13) Debugging tools: filtering NSLog by class name/ method name, connection configuration.
14) Push notification server with PHP.
Intensive use of: ^Blocks GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) mechanism, NSOpartionQueue, background threads and synchronization tools to implement smart and super useful multi task operations