Expert Software Architect and Developer with over 20 years of experience. Deep mathematical background with M.Sc. in applied mathematics from Weizmann Institute, advanced knowledge in Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
Full professional proficiency
Limited working proficiency
UNIX, Linux
Linux enthusiast from 1995. experience with slakware, debian based (debian, ubuntu, linux mint) and redhat based (redhat, centos) distributions.
Worked with matlab as algo developer.
Machine Learning
master degree in statistical machine learning. Used for ML in financial and CV areas.
Image Processing
Computer Vision
master degree in computer vision. experience with object detection and object recognition. small experience with OpenCV.
Neural Networks
experience with feed forward networks as well as CNN and RNN (mxnet, python) in financial area.
Deep Learning
Software & Programming
C, C++
Experience with c++ from various projects.
wrote java from 1998. Experienced with various frameworks like spring, as well as plain java.
Developer, Programmer, General, Other
BI, Data Science, Big Data
Algorithm Development
Worked as algorithm developer in real time location area. Experience with algorithmic trading. M.Sc. on computer vision. However, experience in CV only in academia.