מהנדס תכנה עם נסיון רב וידע מעמיק בתחומים שונים במתמטיקה ומחשבים.
מהנדס תכנה עם נסיון רב וידע מעמיק בתחומים שונים במתמטיקה ומחשבים.
המומחיות העקרית שלי היא בשני תחומים: ++C ותכנון מערכות גדולות ומורכבות,
ועולם התצוגה התלת-ממדית ונגזרותיו- גאומטריה, גרפיקה, ואנימציה.
עיקר הנסיון התעסוקתי שלי מגיע מפתוח מערכות תכנון- CAD.
* ++C ותכנון מערכות תכנה
* אלגוריתמים
* מערכות תכנון
* מתמטיקה
* גרפיקה ואנימציה
* אלגוריתמים גאומטריים
* חשוב גאומטרי
Avner Shapiro
I am an experienced software developer, with deep knowledge in many areas of
computers and mathematics. My expertise is mostly in these areas:
Object-Oriented design and programming (especially in C++), Algorithms,
CAD systems, Mathematics, Computer graphics and Animation, Geometric
algorithms, and Geometric computation.
High Education
B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science, Expanded Program for
outstanding students, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Graduated with distinction.
Final Project: Texture Mapping (Graphically mapping two-dimensional
surfaces onto three-dimensional solids).
M.Sc. in Computer Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Master's thesis: Polyhedron correspondence for shape transformation.
Related publication:
Polyhedron Realization for Shape Transformation, Avner Shapiro and Ayellet Tal.
The Visual Computer, 14 (8-9): 429-444, 1998 (special issue on metamorphosis).
2004-2009 Software engineer and system atrchitect in Optitex, Petah-Tikva.
Designing and developing geometric software in a CAD system for textiles.
Responsibilities included system design and architecture, planning and
developing a comprehensive 2D and 3D geometry package, various activities of
system design, the company's licensing and security system, XML import and
export from proprietary binary information, and reverse engineering to
convert between formats for CAD for textiles.
System Architect since 2008.
2009-2015 Geometric software developer in Spiral Frame, Jerusalem.
Developing geometric software for animation and motion capture analysis,
some inside an animation system, some as stand-alone.
2009-2020 Freelance software developer, Prod Cad, Giv'atayim.
Developing software products, and related
web-sites for the purpose of demonstrations.
In addition, development for textile design systems in short-term
Software engineer in Optitex, Rosh HaAyin 2016-2019
Designing and developing geometric software in a CAD system for textiles
The acivities were Mostly textile CAD files conversions and CAD system
features and displays.
Participated in system design and geometric development to a lesser extent.
Programming Languages, tools, and Platforms
* C and C++, Lisp, PHP, javascript, Lua.
* GL and WebGL, HTML and XML, X-Motif, UML, scripts in Unix shell and Perl.
* Unix (especially on Linux), MS-Windows.
Natural Languages
Hebrew (fluent), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent), French (fair), Arabic (basic).