Green Card Organization - Moving people to the U.S since 2008

On 18 Feb., 2019

In Green Card Organization we guarantee full responsibility for your application details. Has it always been your dream to live and work in the USA? Fortunately, there is one easy path to the USA through the so called Green Card Lottery . The chance to win a Green Card only comes once a year – so it is best to be well-prepared for it!

Green Card Organization - Moving people to the U.S since 2008

Green Card Organization - Has it always been your dream to live and work in the USA? Fortunately, there is one easy path to the USA through the so-called Green Card Lottery. The chance to win a Green Card only comes once a year – so it is best to be well-prepared for it!


Our Mission and Belief

Green Card Organization strongly believe in the United States as a country. The United States of America has a core principle of diversity and of giving every different person the same chances at success and equal opportunities. The mission of Green Card Organization here is to help those who desire to immigrate and provide them the best shot at success. Throughout the last 10 years of our existence, we have helped countless amounts of people relinquish their dream of being a part of our incredible country. If you have the will, we have the way.


Our Service

Every year many people are disqualified from the DV Lottery program, because they unsuccessfully submit their applications in a manner that does not comply with the United States governments requirements. It is important to note that any mistakes in the application are a cause for automatic disqualification, therefore it is crucial to make sure that your application is submitted correctly.

The job of Green Card Organization is to help simplify this process for you and guarantee that your application will be submitted correctly and guarantee you 100% participation.

Here, at our company, we will provide you with the help and support that you will need to complete the Immigration procedure in an efficient, professional and calm manner.

Green Card Organization offer a wide variety of Immigration services from the most basic to complex. We have a large team of highly qualified Immigration/Legal experts who will review and thoroughly check your applications.

We will take care of everything for you - Green Card Organization!