How to find a blockchain developer?

On 3 Aug., 2022

How to find a blockchain developer?

How to find a blockchain developer?

The lack of talented developers in the field of blockchain technologies is a pressing problem for many companies. And while a shortage of good people is typical in the early stages of every new technology, there are some peculiarities in the case of blockchain: many experienced developers in this field also invested in cryptocurrencies at an early stage and often do not need additional income. Also, many of them would rather work on their own startup, raising funds through an ICO, instead of working for you.

The number of blockchain-based startups is constantly growing, so we decided to write this guide to help you through the process of launching your own startup.

Where to looking for?
Traditional social portals like LinkedIn may not be the best choice for finding blockchain developers. Start looking in the relevant crypto communities. For example, you can use this source to find blockchain developers.


Please note that many people in the crypto community take their privacy seriously and may not be very active on traditional social media. However, some of them are extremely active on Reddit. Take a look at the relevant threads on Reddit - this is where many developers discuss various topics of interest to them. If you're smart about finding a developer and can get them interested, you might be able to find someone there.


Consider promoting your project on Gitter. This could be a good tool. Gitter is a favorite place for developer chat.


Each crypto project runs its own Slack/Discord channel. Some communities contain over 5,000 people.


The portal offers freelancers, including blockchain developers, the opportunity to offer their services. To access this app, you need to install a dApp browser like MetaMask.


The Bitcointalk forum is the place where new crypto projects are announced. It is also the first Bitcoin forum and still has the largest community on the web.


Many developers attend real meetings and conferences. Attend such events and communicate with their attendees.

Startup contests and hackathons

Organize startup events to get the attention of developers or join conferences like Ethereum Devcon.

Train your own staff
A small number of good blockchain developers makes it extremely difficult to find and entails a huge waste of time, so the best thing is to contribute to the development of your own specialists. It will take some time, but in the end it will benefit you. Enlist the help of experts to train your staff.

Understand the culture of the blockchain community and decentralized networks.

The first blockchain developers are still part of a community that tends to want complete freedom. Personal freedom is one of the strongest claims of the members of this community. Traditional recruiting methods may not work (LinkedIn, job posting on standard job portals, etc.). A fixed schedule may also not be too tempting for a good specialist. Blockchain is not only a tool for developing applications, but a phenomenon that creates a separate economy around a new decentralized world order. If your morals don't align with this mindset, or at least if you don't acknowledge the fact that blockchain is a whole new way of thinking in the economy, you may have trouble getting a good person to work.