פיתוח שווקים ועסקים, ייעוץ טכנולוגי, השקעות ושיתופי פעולה בינ"ל
שוהם, ישראל
I am a dynamic, self-driven, entrepreneurial business development professional.
A problem-solver and value-creator with over 20 years of experience and outstanding achievements. I pride myself in being tenacious in building new business and financial plans, securing and forging strong relationships with external business partners.
I am a big believer in the out-of-the-box approach to business leadership and strategy, particularly for driving company goals, business development, product management, and marketing activities.
A problem-solver and value-creator with over 20 years of experience and outstanding achievements. I pride myself in being tenacious in building new business and financial plans, securing and forging strong relationships with external business partners.
I am a big believer in the out-of-the-box approach to business leadership and strategy, particularly for driving company goals, business development, product management, and marketing activities.
שפת אם
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם
תחומי התמחות
275 ₪ לשעה
מנכ"ל - CEO
ניהול חברות סטארט אפ משלב היזימה, הקמת צוותי עבודה וגיוס משקיעים. דגש על ניסיון עתיר בניהול צוותים בתנאי לחץ, יחסי אנוש ועבודת צוות מעל הכול.
משנה למנכ"ל
Vast experience in technological business development activities including investment strategies, materials and presentations
Networking and alliance establishments – vast experience in creating global relationships and reaching decision making managers
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
Autodidact: self-taught technical skills
Networking and alliance establishments – vast experience in creating global relationships and reaching decision making managers
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
Autodidact: self-taught technical skills
סמנכ"ל פיתוח עסקי
Vast experience in technological business development activities including investment strategies, materials and presentations
Networking and alliance establishments – vast experience in creating global relationships and reaching decision making managers
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
Autodidact: self-taught technical skills
Networking and alliance establishments – vast experience in creating global relationships and reaching decision making managers
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
Autodidact: self-taught technical skills
סמנכ"ל שיווק
Vast experience in technological business development activities including investment strategies, materials and presentations
Networking and alliance establishments – vast experience in creating global relationships and reaching decision making managers
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
Autodidact: self-taught technical skills
Networking and alliance establishments – vast experience in creating global relationships and reaching decision making managers
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
Autodidact: self-taught technical skills
מנהלי פיתוח עסקי בכירים
מנהלי שיווק בכירים
מנהלי תקשורת שיווקית (מרקום) בכירים
Networking and alliance establishments – vast experience in creating global relationships and reaching decision making managers
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
Product / Technology mapping, Marketing analysis - Strategy and supervision
Company presenter - Leading marketing agenda internally and externally
Branding and sales development
כללי, שונות, בכירים
מנהלי מוצר בכירים
שיווק ומכירות
פיתוח עסקי
ייעוץ, ליווי עסקי
אסטרטגיה שיווקית
כתיבה ועריכה
תוכנית עסקית, כתיבת תוכניות עסקיות
נסיון תעסוקתי
SPIDERTECH SECURITY LTD- Leading $15,000,000 investment in total, Overseeing SpiderTech Security’s sales, marketing and strategic development efforts, helping plan product development roadmaps and establishing partnerships with leading global players in the perimeter security field.
COMVERSE (XURA)- While carrying out my responsibilities to coordinate between the development branch, sales framework and customer service, I handled the definition of product specifications, managed releases of new versions of products, and conducted product marketing for the sales, training and technical personnel. Sales marketing was done on an international level, involving a number of sales teams around the world. I also worked with third-party companies to establish joint initiatives to benefit Comverse customers.
PARTNER COM (ORANGE IL)- In these positions, my responsibilities included:
- Developing and managing 15% of the corporate revenue including voice services; voicemail services; Intelligent Network applications; mobile banking; location-based services; SMS applications and other peripheral services
- Leading development & deployment of 3rd -party services campaign for the business market
- Managing the product development; business plans; business cooperation; marketing report analysis; marketing communication (MarCom) and information support
- I also served as Acting Departmental Manager and Divisional Representative at national and international corporations and other entities.
PELEPHONE COM LTD- Leading the team towards developing the first product range for (analogue) mobile data applications.
פעילות התנדבותית
יו"ר, מזכיר, חבר וועד
עמותת גן אחר בישראל- קידום חינוך אלטרנטיבי בישראל - הקמת מערכות חינוך
חוות דעת