Gal Einai Institute

Gal Einai Institute

Bat Ayin, ישראל
  צור קשר


About Gal Einai

In Hebrew, "Gal Einai" means: "open my eyes." This name was adopted from the verse: "Open my eyes that I may behold wonders from your Torah" (Psalms 119:18), which expresses our goal of increasing awareness of the Torah and its relevance to every area of life by revealing the hidden, inner dimension of Torah, a source of wonder, inspiration and insight for all.

Gal Einai's central goal is to encourage the study of the Torah, particularly from the perspective of its inner dimension, as revealed in the teachings of Kabbalah and Chassidut. The Torah is God's greatest gift to humanity, and is relevant to all people, both Jews and non-Jews. Studying the Torah, committing to it, and applying its teachings in your everyday life will change your life as an individual.

Under the leadership of Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh, our goal is to open the world's eyes to Divine consciousness, spreading it to every household, classroom, and community on earth.

תחומי התמחות

שיווק ומכירות

יחסי ציבור
אסטרטגיה שיווקית
מיתוג, תדמית עסקית

כתיבה ועריכה

150 ₪ לשעה
כתיבה יצירתית
כתיבה שיווקית
כתיבת תוכן לאתרי אינטרנט
כתיבת מאמרים
Many articles.

אנשים דומים ל- Gal Einai Institute

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כל מה שצריך זה רעיון
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היכולת לספר את הסיפור שלך באמצעות תוכן ושיווק

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