

Super Experienced Web Consultant and Developer

Skopje, מקדוניה
11-25 עובדים
  צור קשר


I run a web development team in Macedonia and we help web agencies and startups by providing web development and management services while making the remote work super easy process. Successfully working as remote partner to numerous leading web agencies and brands like Coca Cola, Hilton Hotels and much more.

Super experienced with:
- Front-End (HTML/CSS), Angular, Sass, Less, Bootstrap
- WordPress (WooCommerce as well), Magento, Drupal, Joomla
- PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter (and other frameworks)

Things we follow extremely as I believe these are super important for each project to go smooth:
- On time delivery
- Attention to closest details
- Great communication
- Solving problems, not skipping
- Fair pricing


שליטה קרובה לשפת אם

Browser Icons

Open Entry 145697 in Browser Icons by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145696 in Browser Icons by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145695 in Browser Icons by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145694 in Browser Icons by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145693 in Browser Icons by Pixel2Coding

Dental Flyer

Open Entry 145699 in Dental Flyer by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145698 in Dental Flyer by Pixel2Coding

Enjoy Inspiration

Open Entry 145703 in Enjoy Inspiration by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145702 in Enjoy Inspiration by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145701 in Enjoy Inspiration by Pixel2Coding
Open Entry 145700 in Enjoy Inspiration by Pixel2Coding

תחומי התמחות


93 ₪ לשעה
ניהול פרויקטים, מנהל פרויקט
Extremely experienced with Project Management. Delivered over 500 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses. Focused on managing teams, daily tasks, budget, etc.

תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה

93 ₪ לשעה
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Extremely experienced with HTMl, CSS3 and JavaScript. Delivered over 500 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses.
Extremely experienced with PHP and PHP Frameworks. Well experienced with Laravel, CodeIgniter (and other frameworks).
מתכנת, פיתוח תוכנה כללי
I run a web development team in Macedonia and we help web agencies and startups by providing web development and management services while making the remote work super easy process. Successfully working as remote partner to numerous leading web agencies and brands like Coca Cola, Hilton Hotels and much more.
ניהול מוצר/ אפיון עיצוב פונקציונאלי
Extremely experienced with Front-End frameworks including AngularJS. Delivered many successful projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses.
מפתחי Front-end
Extremely experienced with Front-End Development. Delivered over 500 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses. Well experienced in HTML/CSS, Angular, Sass, Less, Bootstrap.
מפתחי Back-end
Extremely experienced with PHP and PHP Frameworks. Well experienced with Laravel, CodeIgniter (and other frameworks).

עיצוב וגרפיקה

93 ₪ לשעה
עיצוב אתרים
Extremely experienced with Web Design. Created over 200 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses.

בניית אתרים

93 ₪ לשעה
בניית אתרים דינמיים
Worked over 8 years on Dynamic Sites and delivered work for small, medium and large enterprise companies.
בניית אתרים פשוטים, עמודי נחיתה
Delivered over 500 projects in the last 8 years for Simple Websites and landing Pages for various clients from all over the world.
סחר אלקטרוני - פייפאל, magento, מג'נטו וכד', Stripe
Extremely experienced with Magento. Delivered over 80 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses. Focused on providing great admin that allows easy manage of every single section on the website without any coding knowledge.
דרופל - Drupal
Experienced with Drupal (Drupal 7 and Drupal 8). Delivered over 100 projects in the last 4 years for small, medium and large size businesses. Focused on providing great admin that allows easy manage of every single section on the website without any coding knowledge.
חיתוך PSD לעיצוב HTML ו- CSS
Delivered over 500 PSD to HTML projects so far. Great experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript and work under tight deadlines.
ג'ומלה - Joomla
Experienced with Joomla. Delivered over 100 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses. Focused on providing great admin that allows easy manage of every single section on the website without any coding knowledge.
וורדפרס - WordPress
Extremely experienced with WordPress and WooCommerce. Delivered over 500 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses. Focused on providing great admin that allows easy manage of every single section on the website without any coding knowledge.
בניית אתרים רספונסיביים, פיתוח רספונסיבי
Extremely experienced in Responsive Website Development. Delivered over 500 projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses.
Extremely experienced with WooCommerce. Delivered over 200 Woo ecommerce projects in the last 8 years for small, medium and large size businesses.

תארים אקדמיים

ספטמבר 2005 - ספטמבר 2008



חוות דעת

ajax loader


ajax loader