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Entry description
Geherik is an app aimed at helping senior citizens organize their day-to-day tasks. It helps them manage their daily routine, track their doctor visits, follow their medical subscriptions and order their medicine. All in a simple, no-nonsense way, with a sleek interface that is conciderate of the elderly.
Research & Ideation
Brand Strategy
UI/UX design
We successfully created a product to help people of the third age manage their day-to-day tasks by designing for the users and their specific needs.
Next, we're going to research the users behaviour when using the app. Also, business consulting will be provided to the entrepreneurs in order to connect them to relevant business partners.
Research & Ideation
Brand Strategy
UI/UX design
We successfully created a product to help people of the third age manage their day-to-day tasks by designing for the users and their specific needs.
Next, we're going to research the users behaviour when using the app. Also, business consulting will be provided to the entrepreneurs in order to connect them to relevant business partners.
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