Matthias Silbernagl

Matthias Silbernagl

Audio Professional, Musician and Masters Graduate

Cape Town, דרום אפריקה
  צור קשר


I am a problem solver, an analytical thinker and a creative. I pride myself in excellence, high standards and fast paced project execution.

My experience and expertise encompass the recording, editing and mixing of multiple world renowned ensembles and solo performers, ranging from Tchaikovsky competition winners to Grammy nominees. Acoustic and electronic musical composition, producing and guitar performance also make a big part of my abilities. I offer copy-write and Web Design as additional services.


שפת אם
שפת אם
שליטה טובה
שליטה בינונית

תחומי התמחות

הפקה, הצגות וטלויזיה

איש קול, מקליט

סאונד ומוסיקה

73 ₪ לשעה
I have done the casting, recording of voice dubbing, editing and mixing of Hindi series broadcasted on ZeeWorld on DSTV across the African continent. The series I worked on:

Kum kum baghya
Jab love Hua
Hello Pratibha
Ek mutthi Aasmaan
Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya
Doli Armaano Ki
Jamai Raja
Satrangi Sasural
I have won local and university competitions with my compositions, have been a performing and composing musician for 12 years and know my way around a synth.
הפקה מוסיקלית
I have a masters degree in Music Technology and have worked with artists and bands for the past 5 years. I also have ample experience recording, editing and mixing orchestras, ensembles and soloists.
I have been the singer of a few bands that have made radio and television. I was part of and collaborated with artists such as Jack Stone, Die Einstes, Koos Kombuis.
ייעוץ מוסיקלי
I have a masters degree in music technology and have practices and performed music for more than 12 years professionally.
כתיבת טקסטים לשירים
I have won competitions and gained radio play and broadcast on national television for my compositions. I am also an avid guitarist and singer.
Recording, editing, mixing and mastering are the fundamental services I offer as an audio professional.
I have completed the mixes for films, animations, series and music, especially orchestral recordings (this is where my real expertise lie).
I have been a performing guitarist, singer and composing musician for 12 years and know my way around a synth as well.
עיצוב סאונד
עיצוב פסקול
עריכת סאונד
I have recorded orchestras for 3 consecutive years, multiple world renowned ensembles and soloists. I also recorded plenty of dubbing for series and recorded, mixed and edited soundtracks and songs for local and international artists.
שירותי אולפן והקלטות


תרגום אנגלית
תרגום גרמנית
תרגום הולנדית

בניית אתרים

בניית אתרים פשוטים, עמודי נחיתה
וורדפרס - WordPress
בניית אתרים רספונסיביים, פיתוח רספונסיבי

נסיון תעסוקתי

ספטמבר 2016 - פברואר 2018

Audio Engineer

Blended Audio , Cape Town, South Africa
  • I was responsible for the auditioning, recording and editing of dubbing for series.
ינואר 2013 - מרץ 2016

Staff Audio Engineer

Stellenbosch University Studios , Stellenbosch University
  • I was responsible for the recording, editing and mixing of orchestral, ensemble and solo works performed at the Endler Concert Hall. During this time I was also completing my post-graduate studies in Music Technology.

תארים אקדמיים

ינואר 2013 - נובמבר 2015

MPhil Music Technology

Stellenbosch University
  • My experience during my post-graduate studies encompass the recording, editing and mixing of multiple world renowned ensembles and solo performers, ranging from Tchaikovsky competition winners to Grammy nominees. I was also responsible for the editing, mixing and compiling of the Endler Hall concert archive.
ינואר 2010 - דצמבר 2012


Stellenbosch University
  • My undergraduate studies focussed on Music Technology and languages, where guitar and musical performance provided me with earnings.

אנשים דומים ל- Matthias Silbernagl

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Igal Marcus
YLR Studios
מפיק מוזיקאי ואולפן הקלטות ברחובות
תדר הפקות
פשוט ליצור
Orgad Amram
בתאל בן זקן
אמנית בתחום המוזיקה והעיצוב

חוות דעת

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