Kepa J. Rodriguez

Kepa J. Rodriguez

Computational linguist and data scientist from Bat Yam / Tel Aviv

Bat Yam, ישראל
1 פרויקט
  צור קשר


I am a computational linguist with experience in different areas including text classification, information retrieval, content extraction and question generation and classification.


שפת אם
שפת אם
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם
שליטה טובה
שליטה בינונית
שליטה בינונית

תחומי התמחות

שיווק ומכירות



150 ₪ לשעה
תרגום ספרדית
During my study I got a broad experience in translation from English and German text to Spanish. I have some additional experience in Italian to Spanish translation.
תרגום שאר השפות
Experience in translations from Spanish, English and German to Basque.


300 ₪ לשעה
Amazon RDS - Relational Database Service
AI, בינה מלאכותית
During my study and professional journey I was active in tasks which required research and development in areas of AI. Most relevant were Natural Language Processing, Content Extraction, Content Generation, Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation.
An additional area of work consisted of the conception of the integration of AI components into infrastructures.
Microsoft BI
Machine Learning
During my PhD I developed machine learning models for content extraction tasks, as named entity extraction, coreference resolution and ontology population. That included the use of standard tools and libraries like Scikit-Learn, Weka, CRF++, SVMLight, etc. As part of the work I developed and implemented workflows for text annotation and data quality assessment.

I my further work I developed statistical language models for text categorization, search and metadata quality assessment. I used self developed tools and existing SVM and boosting libraries.
Deep Learning
I have experience in the implementation of models with Tensorflow and Pytorch in the following NLP areas:
- Named entity recognition in several languages.
- Text classification
- Relation detection and classification in biomedical text.

Outside of NLP, I am active in Moodle analytics with Tensorflow.
Power BI
עיבוד שפה טבעית - NLP
Experience in different areas of language processing:
- Models to extract structured information from text.
- Text classification.
- Relation detection and classification
- Coreference.
- Knowledge representation: especially controlled vocabularies for archival institutions and libraries.
- Corpus data development.
- Question generation from text.
- Named entity extraction.
Integration of NLP components in projects, as syntactic analyzers, named entity recognition libraries, and other modules of NLP libraries.

תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה

200 ₪ לשעה
During my Phd I wrote most of the software used in my research in Java. This development included linguistic text analysis and feature engineering for machine learning components.

During my work at European projects I have collaborated actively in the development of Java code, including modules used for the integration of metadata of historical archival collections into the portal, parts of the search engine and semantic data interpretation and transformation.

An additional challenge which included Java development was a attempt to build a company in Israel. In this context Java was used to analize English text, extract and classify information and generate short texts.
Development of scripts for extraction and formatting of data in different projects.
מתכנת, פיתוח תוכנה כללי
BI, Data Science, Big Data
I am actually active in the development of Python scripts and short programs for data extraction, modelling and transformation, natural language processing and machine learning.
Data extraction, transformation and modelling includes the use of libraries to work with XML, CSV, JSON, PDF and other standard formats.
For NLP and Machine Learning it includes the use of libraries like NLTK, Scikit-Learn, Tesorflow and PyTorch.
קצירת מידע, Data Scraping

תארים אקדמיים

2007 - 2010

Doctor (PhD)

University Trento (Italy)
  • I graduated with a Doctorate at the Center for Mind and Brain Sciences of the University of Trento (Italy) with a strong focus in Corpus Linguistics and Natural Language Processing.
1998 - 2004

Licenciate Degree

University Potsdam (Germany)
  • I completed my study in Computational Linguistics at the University Potsdam with a Licenciate Degree (Diplom). Licenciate degree is a former German degree which includes the actual Bachelor and Master.

1 חוות דעת

ajax loader
Rating: 5.
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מהירות תגובה
דבקות במחיר
עמידה בלוח-זמנים
Kepa was great , fast & accurate !
6 אוגוסט 2018
ofer probak Dating app
תגובה מ- Kepa J. Rodriguez
חוות דעת על הלקוח:
Nice communication and prompt payment. It was a pleasure to work with Ofer.

GitHub Widget

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Kepa J. Rodriguez

Kepa J. Rodriguez


ajax loader