Eldar Granulo
Experienced, reliable and efficient software engineer
Sarajevo, בוסניה
I've been working as a full stack engineer for 5 years mainly focusing on building APIs in PHP, .NET, sometimes even Spring & Java. My frontend experience is from vanilla JS, over jQuery, to the AngularJS and Angular 2+ that I have worked on since beta.15.
שליטה קרובה לשפת אם
שליטה בינונית
תחומי התמחות
תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה
80 ₪ לשעה
.NET, C#, Dot Net, VB
3 years of experience with .NET and limited .NET Core exp
2 years of experience. Developed different websites and apps and used in different contexts.
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
5 years of experience - from landing pages to enterprise apps
Android development and limited spring experience
Most used programming language. 5 years of experience
מתכנת, פיתוח תוכנה כללי
5 years of exp in various programming paradigms - working with desktop, mobile and web applications. Mostly focusing on web development now.
My most used DB - 4-5 years of experience
DB - MSSQL, SQL Server
Limited project experience, don't know the ins and outs but I can write procedures and queries with no issues
פיתוח אפליקציות ל- Android
Development in Java. Developed a game which was published on the store and had more than 1000 downloads as well as my company's app which has ~10000 users
5 years of experience, used in many projects and contexts
3 years of experience developing in Typescript. Electron experience
DB - MongoDB
3 years of experience with MongoDB while working on a MEAN stack application for an enterprise client
4 years of experience. Used in multiple applications and for various use cases
Full Stack Developers
I have been a full stack developer since the beginning of my career, for 5 years
3 years of experience with MongoDB while working on a MEAN stack application for an enterprise client
3 years of experience while working on a MEAN stack application for an enterprise client
פיתוח אפליקציות לנייד
2 published applications for Android, 1 for iOS. Used by my own company and used by over 10000 users
5 years of experience, multiple projects active and used by more than 10000 users. Multiple APIs built, complex systems used for market research and data processing
מפתחי Front-end
3 years of focus on frontend, mostly Angular 2
מפתחי Back-end
5 years - Laravel, Java, .NET, Node.js depending on the needs
בניית אתרים
80 ₪ לשעה
בניית אתרים דינמיים
5 years of experience - building dynamic sites from the first day
בניית אתרים פשוטים, עמודי נחיתה
Building from templates or from custom user demands depending on the project
אירוח אתרים, שרתים
5 years of experience in this category - building projects from ground up and hosting them on Apache, nginx and so on
בניית אתרים רספונסיביים, פיתוח רספונסיבי
5 years of experience - working on making both web apps and generic sites responsive
בניית אתרים לסלולאר, התאמת אתרים לסלולר
5 years of experience - working on making both web apps and generic sites responsive
נסיון תעסוקתי
פברואר 2019
Software engineer
Talk Online Panel GmbH , Sarajevo- working in an agile environment with shifting priorities and variable pressure
- full stack development with Laravel 5.x and Vue.js
- working on multiple projects at the same time - multitasking
- writing unit tests using PHPUnit
אוקטובר 2015
Co - Founder & IT Services Manager at edu720
edu720 , Sarajevo- working in a multidisciplinary team using SCRUM methodology
- developing and designing a PHP/Laravel application for an e - learning system
- developing and designing an API for an Android/iOS e - learning application
- developing and designing an Android application using Retrofit library, JWT authentication and a modified version of the stock Android media player
- maintaining an iOS application
- developing front end in AngularJS and Bootstrap with jQuery
- administrating PostgreSQL database
- administrating proprietary email server
- setting up a CentOS server with Apache, PostgreSQL, memcached
- client education in software usage
אפריל 2016
פברואר 2019
Software engineer
Walter BIM Solutions , Sarajevo- working in a team using SCRUM methodology as part of SAFE framework
- developing and designing an Angular 2 application
- writing unit and end to end tests for Angular 2 applications
- developing, designing and optimizing Node.js APIs
- writing unit and end-to-end tests for Node.js APIs
- maintaining and adding new features to GraphQL API on Mongo
- developing and interconnecting microservices
- identifying performance bottlenecks and solving them
- designing and optimizing a database schema for both PostgreSQL and Mongo
- developed APIs in .NET Core for importing, parsing and validating Excel and XML files
- developed an Electron, Angular 2 application for Mac, Windows, Linux with OAuth2 integration, based on SQLite
- teaching university students about Angular 2 and .NET Core integration
- helping with onboarding new teammembers to both the frontend and backend
ינואר 2015
אפריל 2016
Software developer
Info Studio , Sarajevo- developing and designing an application in Java/PL SQL with JDeveloper
- administrating Oracle 12c and 11g databases
- integrated existing system with an external system using files from the external system as an input for generating reports on income
- developed a material accounting system for a public company
- generating reports using Report server
- client education in software usage
Software engineer
Walter BIM Solutions- Designing, architecting, building, testing and maintaining an enterprise app written in Angular 2 + Node.js + Typescript on MongoDB + PostgreSQL. Ensuring top performance and display of a huge grid of data (150+ columns and 50000+ rows) efficiently as well as running efficient updates on this data.
תארים אקדמיים
יולי 2012
יולי 2017
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Computing and Informatics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo25 תחומי התמחות

80 ₪
תכנות ופיתוח תוכנה
אנשים דומים ל- Eldar Granulo

ראש צוות פיתוח וCTO כ-16 שנות ניסיון בהובלה ופיתוח צד שרת ומשתמש בתצורת FullStack וכן ניטור ביצועים
Matan Ben Yair
Web development
מרים ברנשטיין
פתרונות פיתוח מותאמים אישית עם גמישות של פרילנס ודיוק של מקצוענית.
hamdan khatib
Software Engineer
Kayble Zone Pvt Ltd
Full Stack Developer
חוות דעת