Debug JavaScript Crash
פרויקט מס' 7277
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תאריך פרסום:
22:59, 6 מאי, 2009
הצעות תתקבלנה עד:
23:08, 9 מאי, 2009
Debug JavaScript Crash
We have a complex HTML page with JavaScript.
The page itself is created by ASP/ASP.NET, but we no longer have the source code.
The page causes IE to crash.
I am looking for someone who can debug and fix the crash,
without access to the original ASP.NET code
The page itself is created by ASP/ASP.NET, but we no longer have the source code.
The page causes IE to crash.
I am looking for someone who can debug and fix the crash,
without access to the original ASP.NET code
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