Looking for an experienced freelancer for porting iPhone app to Android
פרויקט מס' 20767
Job Statistics
5 Bids |
5,000 ₪ - 10,000 ₪
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תאריך פרסום:
05:30, 26 יולי, 2011
הצעות תתקבלנה עד:
05:46, 23 אוגוסט, 2011
Looking for an experienced freelancer for porting iPhone app to Android
We are looking for an experienced Android developer to port our existing iPhone application http://itunes.apple.com/il/app/id435900067?mt=8 to Android.
We provide all backend functionality and graphics.
Please send prices per project and not hourly rates.
Feel free to ask questions
We provide all backend functionality and graphics.
Please send prices per project and not hourly rates.
Feel free to ask questions
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Private Bid
2 פרויקטים
Private Bid
5 פרויקטים
Private Bid
73 פרויקטים