Bug fixing + few small features for a new Joomla site

פרויקט מס' 19567

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2 Bids
עד 2,500 ₪
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תאריך פרסום: 15:56, 5 יוני, 2011
הצעות תתקבלנה עד: 08:48, 13 יוני, 2011
Bug fixing + few small features for a new Joomla site
Our web site, which is still under construction, needs few bug fixing and enhancements before it goes live + some enahancements afterwards, as described in detail in the attached document.
The site is a combination of content and shopping site (with very few special products / services)
It is based on
a. Joomla! 1.5.9 Production/Stable [ Vatani [eCommerce Bundle] ] 9-January-2009
b. VirtueMart 1.1.2
And is hosted on big hosting company in the US.

An NDA must be signed before we start working.

Please note that eventually, we are looking for someone that can take control on the development of the site. Hence, if the three milestones below are completed to our satisfaction, there’s a room for more developments afterwards.

Detailed job is described in the attached doc.

קבצי הפרויקט



Private Bid

מומחה נבחר
17 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 170960
הוגש: 5 יוני 2011

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
21 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 170885
הוגש: 5 יוני 2011