Program to capture and transmit information

פרויקט מס' 146132

Job Statistics

0 Bids
2,500 ₪ - 5,000 ₪
תוקף הפרויקט
סגור להצעות נוספות
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Job Info And Actions

תאריך פרסום: 20:57, 5 ספטמבר, 2019
הצעות תתקבלנה עד: 21:08, 5 ספטמבר, 2019
Program to capture and transmit information
A Service to run 24/7 to capture coin rates, their value and save it in Access.Mdb

The service will receive MESSAGE request to retrieve info from Stock table The message will include Customer ID and a LIST of coin names. The Service will Select the info from the stock table and prepare an ANSWER to send back to sender.

Window BASED program will initiate the MESSAGE and receive the ANSWER.

קבצי הפרויקט

קבצי הפרויקט נגישים רק למומחים אשר הגישו הצעה



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