Need a freelancer for an English to Hebrew Translators for E-Commerce Project

פרויקט מס' 130907

Job Statistics

1 Bids
5,000 ₪ - 10,000 ₪
תוקף הפרויקט
טווח הצעות
3,500 ₪ - 3,500 ₪ מחיר קבוע
הצעה ממוצעת
3,500 ₪ מחיר קבוע

Job Info And Actions

תאריך פרסום: 08:34, 16 יולי, 2018
הצעות תתקבלנה עד: 09:07, 16 יולי, 2018
Need a freelancer for an English to Hebrew Translators for E-Commerce Project
We are looking for professional
translators in English to Hebrew who are able to deliver high
quality translation in a timely manner. This is to prepare for upcoming
projects in this language pair.


The content is product descriptions for an e-commerce site.
You will have access to a detailed style guide and our advanced
translation platform, with in-system tools such as TM, glossary,
and various validations.


Professional translator in English to Hebrew with at least 2 years
Ability to translate minimum of 12,000 words per week (depending
on your translation speed this may require 6+ hours a day) Commitment to work for 4 weeks Comfortable with technology and able to quickly master new tools
Punctual and reliable
Can work remotely

קבצי הפרויקט



Private Bid

מומחה נבחר
113 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 1744548
הוגש: 16 יולי 2018