דרושים פרילנסרים להקמת אתר

פרויקט מס' 125757

Job Statistics

26 Bids
5,000 ₪ - 10,000 ₪
תוקף הפרויקט
טווח הצעות
65 ₪ - 280 ₪ לשעת עבודה
1,450 ₪ - 7,800 ₪ מחיר קבוע
הצעה ממוצעת
170 ₪ לשעת עבודה
3,756 ₪ מחיר קבוע

Job Info And Actions

תאריך פרסום: 15:19, 28 פברואר, 2018
הצעות תתקבלנה עד: 14:21, 9 אפריל, 2018
דרושים פרילנסרים להקמת אתר
I have a small surveying equipment business. I currently have a website created through ‘godaddy’ however I feel I need a more professional one in order to take my business to the next level. It’s my main point of advertising and most people then contact me via email. I believe a website through word press would be best?

I have created an Surveying and engineering company that specialises in bespoke niche consumables.
This was born from my background of over 10years experience in the field. Realising that with some minor adjustments and redesign to existing products and innovation of new products certain tasks could accuracy and timing could be improved.

At the moment the company is very small. I am looking to grow it with online advertising and marketing. However before I move forward with this I want to ensure that I have a solid and professional website that will be able to handle the traffic and give all visitors what they are looking for.

As the sole person involved, I see there being quite a few roles that need covering. Some of which I will outsource some of which I will do. I intend on covering the product design and manufacturing, also all PR, accounts and finances, and continued advertising and marketing.

I need someone who can develop a professional website to my requirements. Also set up and link advertising and marketing through the website. AdWords etc. Essentially someone to take care of all IT.

The style of website I like and would be keen to replicate NOT COPY is one called Opti-cal surveying equipment. I like the way it’s formatted and flows.

I need-
-homepage with company name, logo, blurb and slide show. With a series of tabs.
-tab 1 SURVEYING, this will explain about different types of survey I offer ie topographic, residential interior and exterior, floor plans etc. Drawn up in autocad. Some examples shown.
-tab 2 ENGINEERING, this would explain about product inception, ie if someone wants something? given a spec I can have it drawn up and a prototype made. Some examples again.
-tab 3 PRODUCTS, this would link to a page where I can have all my products listed, name, technical spec, and 2-4 images of each product.
-tab 4 HIRE, this would most likely be a link to my peers website which special in hire.

תחומי הפרויקט

קבצי הפרויקט



Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
8 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 1682411
הוגש: 25 מרץ 2018

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
8 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 1679803
הוגש: 19 מרץ 2018

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
33 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 1676271
הוגש: 12 מרץ 2018

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
14 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 1675563
הוגש: 10 מרץ 2018

Private Bid

הצעה פרטית
1 פרויקטים
הצעה מס' 1674530
הוגש: 8 מרץ 2018