Distributors needed for a new Windows desktop software.
פרויקט מס' 106993
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0 Bids |
5,000 ₪ - 10,000 ₪
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תאריך פרסום:
11:12, 20 נובמבר, 2016
הצעות תתקבלנה עד:
13:08, 21 מרץ, 2017
Distributors needed for a new Windows desktop software.
I'm looking for software distributers for a Windows desktop application I've developed named JOINI.
JOINI belongs to the Data Integration and ETL tools family.
It is simple and intuitive to use by a wide range of users:
Analysts, statisticians, researchers and system analysts working mainly with data files.
In addition, it is recommended for use by programmers/dba in IT departments, working intensively with the data files.
The user interface looks and feels like Windows File Explorer.
For distributing JOINI, a good background in Excel, Access, TSQL and statistical software (SPSS, SAS) is required.
Additional information on JOINI can be found on my website:
A YouTube demonstration can be viewed at:
I can offer 30% percent of each sale, (by getting a coupon from me, which can be used in my website) and a PowerPoint presentation about JOINI.
If you are interested I would love to have your CV.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Bracha Goldstein
I'm looking for software distributers for a Windows desktop application I've developed named JOINI.
JOINI belongs to the Data Integration and ETL tools family.
It is simple and intuitive to use by a wide range of users:
Analysts, statisticians, researchers and system analysts working mainly with data files.
In addition, it is recommended for use by programmers/dba in IT departments, working intensively with the data files.
The user interface looks and feels like Windows File Explorer.
For distributing JOINI, a good background in Excel, Access, TSQL and statistical software (SPSS, SAS) is required.
Additional information on JOINI can be found on my website:
A YouTube demonstration can be viewed at:
I can offer 30% percent of each sale, (by getting a coupon from me, which can be used in my website) and a PowerPoint presentation about JOINI.
If you are interested I would love to have your CV.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
Bracha Goldstein
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