Ilya Dorman

Ilya Dorman

Front End & UI/UX expert 🎯 React · Redux · GraphQL · Serverless · CSS-in-JS · SASS · Node.js

Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
3 Reviews


Hi, I am a front end developer and have been building web apps for over 9 years. I also consult and teach.

I have worked in multiple data-savvy startups, building robust dashboards and information management apps.
Recently I have gotten into serverless backend solutions.

My goal is to provide the most accurate, simple and effective solution for the client's needs while writing the least amount of code. So that the code is easy to maintain, upgrade and have new coders read it.

For this, you will have the full benefits of my inquisitive and analytical mind.
Be ready for a lot of “why?” to strip away the unnecessary.


Native or bilingual proficiency
Native or bilingual proficiency
Full professional proficiency


Open Entry 227139 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman
Open Entry 227138 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman
Open Entry 227137 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman
Open Entry 227136 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman
Open Entry 227135 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman
Open Entry 227134 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman
Open Entry 227133 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman
Open Entry 227132 in Portfolio by Ilya Dorman



Amazon Web Services (AWS)
I have built full applications using Serverless technologies such as AWS Amplify and Amplify.js, Google Firebase and the various services they provide.

Software & Programming

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
עיקר הנסיון שלי הוא עריכה של אתרים קיימים ואתרי וורדפרס ע"י CSS.
מכיר את השפה לבוריה ואני יכול לעשות איתה קסמים :)
I am mostly a front-end developer, however many times I had to use node to build apps by myself or help my team to fix back-end problems.
Product manager
I have worked with Angular for about 4 years on multiple robust projects.
Full Stack Developers
My experindce comes from building end-to-end apps by myself, using serverless services like AWS amplify, and from work in big teams on complex performance heavy React projects. I like working with React since it like an app lego, to move things around with ease.
Front-end Developers
For over 9 years I have been building the front-end for various apps in startup companies.

Design & Graphics

GUI Design, UI, UX


Ecommerce - PayPal, Magento, Stripe, etc.


June 2017 - Today

Web-app developer

Self-employed , Remote
  • Front End Developer @ Porsche Digital Lab / MHP - I have built an MVP for a blockchain-based app to track supply chains for Porsche cars.
  • Front End Consultant @ DTRA finances - Guiding an existing team to refactor and expand a complex fin-tech app. The refactor has significantly increased performance and user experience. Sometimes making work plans and sometimes developing hands-on.
  • App Developer @ PhotoWin - Building an app assisting in picking the best photos for dating sites. I am the sole developer, building the app using React + Material UI on the client and a serverless backend on AWS using Amplify (which is similar to Firebase).
  • Front End Developer (freelance) @ Securitize - Rewriting an old Angular app into a modern Vue code.
September 2016 - October 2017

Front End Developer

Trax Retail , Tel Aviv
  • Part of the CORE team, developing the Trax web apps infrastructure and UI.
  • A teacher at the Trax Web Academy (inner course for non-developers to learn code.)
  • Managing the professional guilds array, and running the client-side guild.
May 2014 - July 2016

Front End Developer

Audyx , Jerusalem
  • Working as a UI/front-end consultant and developer for a team building a medical application.
April 2013 - January 2014

Front End Developer

Cooladata , Tel Aviv
  • Worked in a team developing a big-data app. I was building different dashboards for data visualization using Angular.js

3 Reviews

ajax loader
Rating: 5.
25000 ILS
Quality of Work
Cost Adherence
Schedule Adherence
אחלה שירות
עמידה בכל האתגרים תוך שמירה על סטנדרטים
מוביל ושולט בטכנולוגיה,
פתר בעיות וקידם מאוד את הפרוייקט קדימה
7 Dec. 2019
user default logo די.טי.אר.אי. יעוץ פיננסי בע"מ‎ Refactoring React app
Rating: 5.
10800 ILS
Quality of Work
Cost Adherence
Schedule Adherence
נכון להיום,
איליה הוא בין נותני השירות הכי טובים שיצא לעבוד מולם.

ראיתי מהרגע הראשון שמדובר בבן אדם איכותי עם מוסר עבודה גבוהה.

מה שמיוחד בשירות שחוויתי מאיליה הוא לא רק עמידה בזמנים ויחסי אנוש מעולים,
אלה הרמת גימור המעולה של המוצר הסופי שהגיע תוך עדכון שותף של הסטטוס עבודה בצורה שותפת.
מה שאיפשר לי להיות חלק מקבלת ההחלטות ומשא ומתן כמעט ברמה יום יומית.

אבל אם הייתי מצביעה על היתרון הכי בולט ששמתי לב אליו: הוא החשיבה הקריאטיבית שלו והמיומנות ללמוד ולהתרחב בזמן בתנועה. מיומנות שהצילה לא פעם את הפרוייקט שלי מנקודת תקיעה או התפשרות.

תותח אמית,
מומלץ בחום!!!
29 Nov. 2019
user default logo PhootoWin בניית אפליקציה ל PhotoWin

GitHub Widget

ajax loader
Ilya Dorman

Ilya Dorman