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We developed a GPS solution for blind people. A smartphone application receive voice input from the blind user informing it where he/she wants to go (see drawings). The software then creates a route for the user and using the digital compass integrated in the smartphone, gives him/her directions regarding the route utilizing vibrations on the blind’s cane or on a watch like hand-belt, i.e. the blind person will receive constant vibrations and these will change if he/she goes off track or following wrong directions.Download at google app playstorehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=finalProject.guidenceappalphaw&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImZpbmFsUHJvamVjdC5ndWlkZW5jZWFwcGFscGhhdyJd
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