

R99, 1st Floor, Shopping Mall, Lisboeta Macau, Rua Da Patinagem, Cotai, Macau

Cotai, Macau (China)


Get the opportunity to fly in an easily accessible, realistic, safe and affordable indoor skydiving in Macau. With GoAirborne indoor skydiving, you can experience the thrill of falling from 15-meter height without having to jump from a plane. GoAirborne is fueled by innovation, and their goal is to bring unrivalled indoor skydiving experiences to everyone. Visit the website to get more details.
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published by GoAirborne

An unforgettable free fallsensation for first-timers to professional skydivers with attractive offers
GoAirborne Ambassador Kyra Poh and Chief Instructor TomsIvans Shine in the2022 FAI European Indoor Skydiving Championships and World Cupin Belgium


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