Find Fulfillment in Your Life Today, Not Tomorrow
Hardwire Happiness
Leading a life full of happiness and fulfillment. Isn't this what we all want? It's practically a cliche nowadays for coaches to say they are doing this. The thing is, it takes a lot more than setting goals and problem-solving. Anyone can help you do that. But once you walk out of the office, then what? How do you continue to make progress on your own? Unlike other coaches, I use the principles and techniques of neuroplasticity to change states of mind into traits of mind. I love what I do because clients tell me the techniques I use to tap into your inner strengths really do work to extinguish anxiety and build calmness and determination in it's place.
Native or bilingual proficiency
Limited working proficiency
273 ILS / hr
Dating Coaching
Actually none at this point but willing to learn!
Personal Development Coaching
have had success coaching adults, families, children and business professionals since I started coaching. I am trained in the new brain science of behavior change which teaches people how to use positive everyday experiences to build inner strengths such as confidence, calm, self-esteem and more.
Couples Coaching
I have worked helping couples discover how they can help themselves by helping each other. This is done with genuine positive regard for the other, compromising, negotiating and learning the art of conflict resolution to come to a mutually agreed upon decision. Often, each person needs to work on themselves to be effective at working on the relationship.
Health & Personal Awareness Coaching
I have worked helping parents with understanding how to motivate and discipline their children to be responsible, hard-working and caring learners, mentally, socially and emotionally.
Crisis and Loss Coaching
I am open to practicing this but do not have experience doing this other than in my own relationships.
Time Management Coaching
None yet except for my daughter
Decision Making Coaching
Ongoing work has involved providing guidance and support in the form of building inner strengths of self-confidence, self-compassion and motivation to make intelligent effective decisions. This also involves taking responsibility to accept the consequences of those decisions.
Conflict Coaching
The work I have done here pertains mostly to resolving conflict between two people in a relationship where the problem often shows up as a communication failure because one or both parties lack the skills necessary to express themselves with assertiveness and respect.
Breakthrough Coaching
Well, I'm currently working on helping a client overcome some behaviors that make success difficult because it's the same negative narrative they tell themselves. This becomes an excuse for not taking action and breakthrough coaching is helpful to see what's not working and turning it around.
Interpersonal Communication Coaching
This is one of my expert areas because I often the clients I help get stuck before they can even get across what they want to say. People in a relationship needs good communication skills and practice is the key.
Family Coaching
I have been working in family coaching informally as a teacher and in my role as a Family Coach. When many differing points of view are in play as well as behaviors, a family can benefit greatly from some objectivity. I work with families to help them examine their interactions and improve where communication breaks down.
Business Coaching
Working on it
May 2018
Personal Development Life coach , San Francisco, California- As owner and Life Coach I am actively helping people understand how they can hardwire their brain for happiness. Our culture has the recipe for success and happiness backwards. To be effective at what you do, first you need to find happiness and contentment. But most of us are told to be happy first you need to be successful. I use positive psychology to help you overcome your inherent negativity bias.
June 1995
4th Grade Teacher
Grade School Teacher, Green Hills Elementary School, Millbrae- As a veteran grade school teacher of 24 years in the public school education system, I had numerous responsibilities but the one most relevant to my coaching business would have to be the role I played in providing parent support and for children at risk due to past trauma. In this capacity, I contributed valuable input in helping to structure IEP's to support students with cognitive, emotional and social disabilities.
June 2008
June 2012
Broker and Owner
Eddie Grassi Realty- I acted as both a procuring and selling agent for buyers and sellers of residential real estate in the Bay Area. I wrote, approved and signed contracts representing buyers and sellers in numerous transactions. As a broker I was responsible for authenticating compliancy with real estate law and practice.
May 2018
ICF Professional Coach Training
The Coach Training Academy- Certified Professional Life Coach Practitioner earned from The Coach Training Academy.
September 1993
September 1997
Masters in English
San Jose State University- Master Degree in English
September 2012
University of San Francisco- Graduate student. Marriage and Family Therapy Master's Program. University of San Francisco
published by
Eddie Grassi
Eddie's Hardwire Happiness Today Blog
Hardwiring Yourself For Happiness
