Developer for web app (EJS \ ExpressJS + mariadb)

Project # 160089

Job Statistics

0 Bids
2,500 ILS - 5,000 ILS
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Job Info And Actions

Posted: 17:53, 7 Nov., 2020
Ends: 08:06, 9 Nov., 2020
Developer for web app (EJS \ ExpressJS + mariadb)
A big com­pany look­ing for a pro­gram­mer who is an ex­pert in JS web based apps for a new BI tool.
The job includes the de­vel­op­ment of fea­tures and the com­plete man­age­ment of all our pro­gram­ming needs
Skills needed:
-Knowl­edge in im­ple­ment­ing de­signs and API in­te­gra­tions
-Proven ex­pe­ri­ence work­ing with EJS \ mari­adb
-Ability to develop a cus­tom theme

For a one time pro­ject
Pre­vi­ous work demonstration is required


Files are not available as project is already expired

the client


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