Need a freelancer for converting 2 screenshots to Hebrew

Project # 127732

Job Statistics

2 Bids
Up to 2,500 ILS
bidding ends in
bid range
150 ILS - 200 ILS / hour
average bid
175 ILS / hour

Job Info And Actions

Posted: 06:52, 27 Apr., 2018
Ends: 08:53, 27 Apr., 2018
Need a freelancer for converting 2 screenshots to Hebrew
I have 2 mobile app screenshots in English, which I would like to have 'copied' to Hebrew/follow the UI of Israel.

Screenshots come in .PNG - would like them back in .PNG format.

skills required


the client


Private Bid

24 projects
Bid # 1697832
Submitted: 27 Apr. 2018

Private Bid

Private Bid
1 projects
Bid # 1697829
Submitted: 27 Apr. 2018