דרוש מרצה ללינוקס Debugging

Project # 112135

Job Statistics

2 Bids
10,000 ILS - 25,000 ILS
bidding ends in
bid range
120 ILS - 120 ILS / hour
average bid
120 ILS / hour

Job Info And Actions

Posted: 14:03, 16 Mar., 2017
Ends: 15:00, 15 Jul., 2017
דרוש מרצה ללינוקס Debugging
Introduction - The C/C++ languages and their pitfalls
Programming for better debugging
Using gdb efficiently
Memory overrun
Multi-threading and synchronization mechanisms
Using external libraries/tools
The earliest point principle
Dynamic allocations and memory leaks
Post mortem
Stack structure
Misc issues


the client


Private Bid

4 projects
Bid # 1567997
Submitted: 12 Sept. 2017

Private Bid

Private Bid
1 projects
Bid # 1462290
Submitted: 18 Mar. 2017