How Glucometer Work to Calculate the Amount of Sugar

On 13 Jul., 2020

Nonetheless, physicians are more concerned with the informed approval of the glucose meter with the outcome of a serum/plasma test.

How Glucometer Work to Calculate the Amount of Sugar

A lot of people today are suffering from lifestyle diseases and one of them is diabetes. The positive part is that insulin and other lifestyle improvements will help control diabetes quickly. One thing that will help people control the lifestyle disease is a Glucometer that essentially lets them calculate the amount of sugar in their blood. This can be done at home by Sugar Checking Machine so people don't have to spend hundreds of rupees doing the test. Glucose meters are commonly used in several health-care environments to treat hypoglycaemic and its conditions. However, it is difficult to set the precision of glucose meters.


To add on, a glucometer is only capable of analysing entire blood, and glucose is unstable in whole blood. Fact for glucose is the isotope dilution mass spectrometry analysis, and frozen serum standards tested by this process are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The reality for whole blood has not been developed, and cells must be isolated from the entire blood matrix by a process such as dilution mass spectrometry of the isotope before analysis. The serum cannot be calculated by glucometer, so it is not normal to test glucose meter accuracy in many hospitals so diabetes clinics for isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Consensus recommendations recommend measuring the whole blood test on a glucometer and checking using a similar clinical lab procedure of plasma/serum centrifuged from a capillary flask.Nevertheless, capillary samples do not have enough volume to be checked for all methods, so venous samples can be used as an option when considering variations between the venous so capillary blood. There are also many issues involved in determining technical accuracy, and no strong agreement on accuracy requirements between standards agencies and professional societies.


Nonetheless, physicians are more concerned with the informed approval of the glucose meter with the outcome of a serum/plasma test. Clinical agreement approval requirements differ across the spectrum of concentrations of glucose and depend on whether the test may be used in patient screening or management. Glucose Meter results may be affected by several factors including operator procedure, environmental exposure, and patient factors such as treatment, oxygen therapy, anemia, hypotension, and other disease states.