3 Web Design Trends You Need To Follow Right Now

On 29 Nov., 2017

Are you aware of the latest design trends? Understand your customer base and market with these latest design trends.

3 Web Design Trends You Need To Follow Right Now

A Web design is the basic analogy of user engagement and experience. Every web design company in Singapore take action according to the design trends. I agree that it is very hard to catch up every trend that dominates the market.

Still learning new trends can really help you in understanding your customer base and market. It will empower you with the knowledge set of understanding the web design Singapore requirement of the target audience.

In this post, I am going to reveal the top three web design trends which every entrepreneur should follow in order to stay fresh in the market.

Let’s get you started,

The Underlined Elements And Texts
To be frank, this trend was rather unexpected. In order to highlight certain information on the website, colored underlines are being used. They are nothing like that hyperlink which usually contains a link either to the source or any other reference website.

There is no catch like that. It is being used in headlines or normal text to highlight the value of the information that is present on the website. This increases the attention of a user directly towards that highlighted text. It is believed that in order to make the underlined element impactful, you need to make it intentional without being an annoying attempt to disturb the user experience.

The Obstructed Text
The web design company in Singapore are making ample attempts of obstructing the text with either image or object. It is an interactive design approach of a web developer Singapore to grab the attention of the user and it is working quite well.

This can be a difficult technique to pull off and many designers have failed (and ended up as memes) because of lettering that said something unintended. Designing text with an obstruction lends itself to these kinds of issues. This is a real concern with responsive frameworks because of different breakpoints and movement of the text obstruction.

An obstruction can be an element that covers text or a lack of contrast between text and the background where the elements almost fade into each other.

The Black And White Aesthetic
The Website design can really strike the mood of the viewer and every web design company in Singapore knows that. This year things are evolved and website design Singapore are now going black and white.

Black and white color schemes are trending darker, more minimal and with the less bright color accent that has been common in recent years. The current version of the black and white design trend is different from what has happened in the past as well in that the lack of color isn’t just being used for photography portfolios.

When working with black and white, there can be concerns about text placement and readability, as well as how to include color in certain parts of the design. Designers can struggle with creating something that’s engaging despite the starkness from a lack of color.

Concluding Remarks
So, as you can see the trends are going old school and regaining the minimalist web design. Every web design company in Singapore are inclining to the trend and changing the modern definition of user experience.

I hope you like the post. Please do share it to spread the word. Adios till then.