What hosting is for

On 29 Sept., 2022

Online games, which bring together thousands of players in one virtual world, need to run on some kind of powerful hardware. 100% you will need a hosting service, and one that is geared towards video games.

What hosting is for

Hosting is a service for providing access to servers. That is, the server PCs on which websites or web applications run. These computers store HTML documents, scripts and styles, and query databases. In general, everything is done that is necessary for the operation of Web resources. To such hosting has a number of requirements, both hardware and software components. In purely technical terms, you can install on a personal computer game server software or create a virtual local area network. Then other players will be able to connect to you. But it is possible that they will need your IP address and ability to connect using in-game command line. And the server administrator will have to provide security, stability and protection from rogue players without any help. For personal use, this option is fine. The performance of an average computer and network resources are enough. But this is not true for all games. Some contain such large-scale worlds that you will need at least a dozen powerful PCs in a quality data centre to run and maintain them.
It is easiest to choose, if found exactly game hosting, ie with a specialization in specific games. They usually offer to choose a game and there to finish the further search. Employees behind such hosting, know these details  should be at the server, and all set up themselves, without burdening the client. It is suitable for those who do not want to configure anything for a long time.
But sometimes you have to choose among less specialized providers. And sometimes you want to know more about the parameters for game hosting. In this case, you have to pay attention to a few parameters, which are primarily evaluated by gamemasters. And on the basis of which they usually choose a provider.
Video games require considerably more resources than static websites and other web projects. Therefore, game hosting companies have in their data centres only "machines" with the most current multi-core processors, adapted to work with resource-intensive tasks. In addition, the performance of the game depends on how many servers are used.
One of the most important characteristics for hosting in general is uptime. That is, the uptime since the last power-up. The higher it is, the more reliable the server is. This means you can count on its work without failure for a long time. 
This is critical both on sites, and in games. Because a server can "crash" in the middle of an important match and anger its participants. This is a lost audience, popularity and profit. Therefore only host the game on verified hosting sites with high uptime. If trouble does occur, it would be nice to be able to quickly reboot the server and make the game available again. So you need a hosting service with a fast restart feature or a team of staff who can check the hardware and fix the problems on site.
And don't forget about backups. It's not just more frustrating to get dropped from the game, it's more frustrating to lose your paladin there with a rare mounter. So make a copy of the database on a regular basis so that you don't deprive your users of their achievements. Without them, they are unlikely to be interested in playing at your place.
Stability of the server is measured not only by excellent hardware, but also by the same connection to the Internet. It is important that players do not lose connection with the game world due to low bandwidth or permanent connection interruptions.
The same goes for lags and freezes. What matters is the "ping", i.e. the time it takes for the signal from the user to reach the server and return. The lower this value, the more comfortable the user feels in virtual reality. All events, attacks, movements and actions happen at the same time for everyone. If the ping increases, however, there is a delay that completely deprives players of parity in the balance of power.
It is not enough to have high speed internet on the hosting side to ensure low pings. Sometimes the geographical location of the server is crucial. If it is far away from the player, the latency can be too high for a comfortable game. It is therefore better to have dedicated servers in several parts of the world so as not to limit your audience to one continent.