Master manicurist is one of the most popular professions. Many professionals started their careers by practicing on their own. They gave manicures to themselves, girlfriends and loved ones, using a minimal set of basic tools, cosmetics and disinfectants.
After a few months, this activity begins to bring considerable profit and can become the main source of income. Starting a new business, the future master must buy everything necessary for successful work, including manicure pedicure tools professional , materials and furniture.
The specialists of modern beauty salons use a lot of different devices in the process of work, from ordinary spatulas to innovative devices. If the session takes place at home, then you can do with a small amount of basic improvised tools. With the right selection of everything you need, the result will be excellent.
The best option for a beginner is to assemble an individual cosmetic bag with devices suitable for your nails. If you are planning to give manicures to people close to you, consider this when buying materials and equipment. Every experienced craftsman knows that a high quality tool with good sharpening allows you to do the job professionally and quickly. Therefore, experts say that it is not worth saving on it. So, what is needed for the master of manicure and pedicure of the tools:
1. a minimum of 2 files, designed for the correction of the length and polishing of natural nails;
2. scissors with rounded and straight ends, which will be needed to remove cuticles and trim nails;
3. a ceramic nail file or pumice stone;
4. a trimmer (pusher);
5. bamboo or orange wooden spatula sticks;
6. pliers or wire cutters to remove burrs.
If you plan to use a milling machine at home, it is necessary to take the choice of the device seriously and pay attention to its characteristics. If your plans to work as a master pedicurist, you should buy a corkscrew and pedicure machine with a set of blades. It is desirable to have an arsenal of pliers for hard, large toe nails. Regardless of where exactly the procedures will be carried out, it is necessary to buy a lot of cosmetic products. For pedicures and manicures, you will need:
- nail polish remover;
- cuticle softener;
- moisturizing lotion, hand cream;
- nail polish remover; hand lotion and hand cream; oil to moisturize the cuticles;
- a bath softener, such as salt;
- any styptic, 3% hydrogen peroxide will work;
Cotton pads, absorbent cotton.
If you plan to do a pedicure, then you will need a cornea softener. You should also buy rubber gloves, which are necessary for working with this chemically aggressive agent. The keratin softener is selected individually, depending on the type of pedicure.
More experienced masters supplement their professional arsenal with therapeutic and therapeutic creams, massage oils, spa line. These cosmetic products allow you to qualitatively and quickly perform pedicures of any complexity, solving the client's problems. Knowing what a master manicurist and pedicurist need to buy, you can save money and make rational purchases. The right tools will help create a well-groomed, attractive manicure of any complexity.
Coating the nails with a special gel polish should begin with their degreasing, otherwise the applied material may peel off. Due to a special agent, the lacquer coating is better held on the nail plate. A very important point is to ensure the safety of the patient and not to harm his health. Particular attention must be paid to the purchase of disinfectants. All tools used in the work must be sterile, otherwise there is a risk of infecting the client with various diseases.
Master manicurist, of course, can not know exactly about the state of health of their visitors. Moreover, not all clients are aware of their health condition. In this case, there is a risk for both the patient and the master. If the tools will be sterile, then the specialist will not risk the health of clients. Each master can prepare their own saline solutions. But it is much easier to use means for rapid disinfection - solutions of chemicals, ready to use.